Saturday, September 10, 2011

No longer a blog virgin!

I have been intrigued with this idea of blogging for a long time.  This concept of sending out my thoughts to the world (or possibly no one depending on the world's interest in the thoughts of a really tired 55 year old) has been rolling around in my mind for awhile.  I follow a very few blogs - Allie, my youngest daughter, The Pioneer Woman, and Rage Against the Minivan are the main ones.  My fascination with blogging started with reading the book upon which the movie Julie/Julia was based.  My OCD side loved the idea of completing those many French recipes and the accompanying blogs all in one year.  Those of you who know me would understand my interest in cooking all of that food faded pretty quickly, but the interest in the blogging has remained.  I just didn't want to appear as angry as Julie, but definitely wanted to be seen as charming as Julia.

What have been the barriers to this blogging stuff for me?

1. Technology - enough said!  Allie helped me there.  She set up my page,  Trust me when I say that the above links in this first post took several attempts before I got them right.  Please honor my efforts by trying at least one of the links.  There may never be another one.  Thank you, Allie!

2.  The idea of sending my thoughts out to the world is a little scary to me.  Remember, I am of the age that a person's thoughts were kept in a diary with a tiny lock and key that was purchased at the five and dime.  I am still a little frightened about letting loose some out of control emotional rambling along the technological backroads. I promise to use my blogging power only for good.  Is there a blogging policeman out there who can help me keep to my blog honor code?

3.  Do I really need another time consumer in my life?  Everyday I am overwhelmed with all the things that I feel like I need to get done.  Do I really need something else?  I am determined to approach this blogging thing as a maybe not a have to.  I want to indulge in some creative, fun, reflective activity that brings me and just maybe someone else some joy.

Why do it - I use to love to write creatively.  For many years, I have written technically.  I want to write again.  I want to share through my words.  I want to communicate through a new medium.  I am going to blog.  In fact, I am blogging.  Wow - it was easier than I thought.

I have lived such a blessed life.  It hasn't been perfect.  There have been times of hardship and pain, but there has also been times of such incredible joy and fulfillment.  Throughout all of them, God has been sufficient.   I picked words from a favorite old hymn to title this new adventure.  Today I begin to share my story, my song with you.  If there is no you out there, I will still enjoy the act of writing for pleasure, the discipline of making regular contributions to a personal project, and the healthy practice of reflecting on my life past, present, and to come.  Today I have become a blogger!  It feels good.  Love to all or no one - whichever fits.   J

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