I am a big listmaker. I mean major league. Really serious about my lists, I am. I mean it. Really.
Nothing makes me more focused and in control especially when I am bombarded by tasks and activities. When I feel myself getting in that overwhelmed state, I list everything that I need to do no matter how minor - a phone call, card, gift, task, or errand. It helps me make sure that I do the things that I loath as well as those that I love. I try to make myself do the loathed things first!
I make lists when I have a lot to do, but I also love to make lists when I am really bored. I have perfected the professional pose of taking copious notes and acting like I am hanging on every word in a really boring meeting when, in reality, I am working on my Christmas list. And it may only be April. Or a list of things that I would like to do - books I want to read, movies I want to see, people I want to see, call, or send a card to. If you are ever in a meeting with me, you are going to wonder what I am up to! You'll never know because I am really good at this skill, having perfected it over years of boring meetings.
I have tried different versions of listmaking through the years. Tried the computer version with the electronic click when the task is completed. Tried the palm pilot version. For me, I need the old fashioned pen and paper. For a long time, my preferred version was a letter size yellow legal pad. (letter not legal - very important). Throughout my administrative career, my yellow legal pad could be found on the corner of my desk. Daily, the pad would contain a mixture of items - some professional, some personal, some major and some minor. That simple pad was my roadmap during those hectic days, helping me navigate our busy life.
Now, my life is busy but simpler. Most days I don't sit at a desk. My lists are now made in a small spiral that will fit in my purse rather than my old yellow legal pads. I have a big personal section and a smaller professional section now. It is easier now to keep those lists separate. I like that. I feel more balanced.
My favorite thing about my listmaking is what I do when an item is completed. I am very specific about this. When I am finished, I take my pen and I mark out the item making circular squiggles all the way across the item. Not a line and definitely not scratching it out. I know it is weird but it's what I like. I love the tactile feel of the pen (never a pencil) as I make the circular motion across the words written on the list. Emotionally, I enjoy for a moment that feeling of completion. I do this over and over on the list as items are completed.
I love the feeling when the paper that was once full of things to do is now full of looping, connecting circles. A completed list makes me happy. I mean it. Really.
Love to all of you out there or no one - whichever fits! J
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