Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is it eternal?

Sometimes in the midst of the busyness of life, we can become overwhelmed by the demands on our time and energy.  I can literally become stressed by the simple act of looking ahead at my schedule for the week to see what lies ahead.  It can cause me to begin the week with a defeated outlook before I even get started. 
When I get myself in this state, I try to take some time to evaluate where and how I spend my time and energy.  One way I do this is to identify the amount of time I am spending on not eternal things versus eternal things.  When I am stressed, I always find that I am not spending enough time on the eternal things in my life such as family, friends, and quiet time with God, spending time in His Word.  I am caught up in the not eternal such as becoming a workaholic, television, and activities that are not important in the eternal realm.  It helps me to look at my schedule through this filter.  I then can delete some, but unfortunately not all, of the things that rob me of valuable time and energy.  There are some activities and responsibilities we cannot control, but I always find some time robbers that I can control. 
Approaching my schedule in this manner helps me to spend more time and energy in areas that matter.  It helps me feel that I am more in control and that I am investing my energy in things that matter.
This week I intend to look through the eternal filter.  I hope to find ways that I can spend time in the eternal realm.  A few ideas - Plan time with family and friends.  Turn off the television and spend some quiet time with God.  Look for the eternal things in my life and make time for them.  I encourage you to join me in seeking the eternal in every day life. I hope you have a blessed week. 

Love to all of you out there or no one - whichever fits!  J

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