Monday, January 30, 2012

Things I regret

I have so many things I regret.  I wish life gave a do over. If I could go back and live the last 56 years again, I wouldn't do the following:

  • Be a screamer
  • Be so quick to speak before I thought
  • Place importance on stupid stuff
  • Be controlled by a calendar
  • Criticize instead of build others up
  • Buy things on impulse
  • In fact, ever use a credit card
  • Forget that every minute of life with loved ones is precious

Oh well, I can't reside in the land of regret.  I have to seek forgiveness from God and others, choose to forgive myself, and learn from my mistakes.

I choose to look forward with confidence rather than glance back in defeat.

Love to all of you out there or no one - which ever fits. J

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Soulmate's daily devo

Every day Soulmate sends a daily devotion to our family. He calls it the daily devo.

This week he sent the following as a response to our inconsolable state at the untimely death of our precious son-in-law, Bill.  Bill and our daughter had only been married two months at the time of his death.  We loved him as a son. We loved so many things about him but especially how completely he loved our daughter.  Paul's words best convey the depth of our sadness.

22:1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
   Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?
2O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer,
   and by night, but I find no rest.

3Yet you are holy,
   enthroned on the praises of Israel.
4In you our fathers trusted;
   they trusted, and you delivered them.
5To you they cried and were rescued;
   in you they trusted and were not put to shame. Ps. 22: 1-5

These words of David were repeated by our Lord upon the cross, as He suffered for our sins.  When we are immersed in painful trials, there are those things that we know in our spirit, but in the moments of our pain, seem so far away.  None the less, our God walks beside us.  

Please pray for our daughter as she begins life anew without her Soulmate.  Pray that she can feel God walking beside her.

With a broken heart today, J

Sunday, January 15, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things!

A date with Soulmate
Beautiful worship
Smell of a wood burning stove
Anticipation of a vacation
Sitting at a taverna in Greece with a good friend
A stack of new books waiting to be read
Closing the book after a completely satisfying read
Gift cards of any kind
Sitting on the beach at South Padre with my family
Any time with my family
Scarves, bracelets, little chairs
Rainy cold day at home
My fuzzy blanket in the winter time
School canceled for a snow day (we will gladly pay on Tuesday for a day off today)
When the dog bites, when the bees stings, 
When I'm feeling sad, 
I simply remember my favorite things, 
And then I don't feel so bad!  

Love to all of you out there or no one - whichever fits. J

Monday, January 9, 2012

I feel good - doo duh doo, doo duh doo, doo duh doo!

Today I can't think of any better way to characterize how I feel than to quote James Brown...I feel good!  You know when you see those words typed out, it just doesn't convey the same feeling as singing them with attitude like Jimmy B (more formally known as James Brown).

And you can't just say those three words alone. They have to be followed with the chorus of  "doo duh doo, doo duh doo, doo duh doo!"

Why may you ask do I feel so good today?
The following have contributed to my "I feel good"  day.

Kiss good morning from Soulmate
Happy kids
Contented me
Completed list
Clean house
Workable schedule this week
Suffice it to say...God is the heavens and all is right with my world.
I hope you are having an "I feel good" day as well.
Love to all of you out there or no one - whichever fits. J

Friday, January 6, 2012

According to the book of Moses....

I am not sure, but I don't think it is scriptural for women to do the following:

1.  Plumbing
2.  Anything that has to do with sewage
3.  Rodents
4.  Anything to do with rodents (defined as any small mammal that wears a fur coat who comes uninvited into your home)
5.  See one through four!

If you are married, don't you agree that this is the role of the husband?  I think we can lock arms on this one. If you are about to be married, I would recommend this as a topic for one of those important premarital discussions. If you don't have a husband or boyfriend in your life to handle these things, I believe it is scriptural for you to ask for man help.

Ok, I know it isn't scriptural, but couldn't it be a function of the church.  There could be a man rotation for plumbing and rodent needs of the women of the church needing men help to fulfill this scripture - oops, there I go again!
I know there isn't  a book of Moses or a scripture detailing these as male responsibilities...but a toll free church number is a good idea. 1-800 -SURO - 24 hour sewage/rodent hotline.  

I know that my husband and son would do their rotation. They probably won't be happy that I just sent that out to the internet world.

There isn't scripture supporting my views, but I like to act as if it exists. Thank you, Soulmate, for taking care of these for me and letting me pretend.

Sometimes I worry about the things I choose to be passionate about that end up in these blogs...

Love to all of you out there or no one - whichever fits. J

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A new year, a new beginning

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."Jeremiah 29:11
This time of year always makes me think of new beginnings.  As the new year stretches out before us as, we can see a clean slate - one where past mistakes might be forgotten and new opportunities can be conquered.  There is also a mixture of excitement and uncertainty as we all look toward what the new year will bring.

I always find comfort in new beginnings through one of my favorite scriptures, God's great promise to us, His children, in the book of Jeremiah. My prayer for you (and continues for my family) is that our new year finds its foundation in this verse.  I pray that God will continue to reveal His perfect plan for you - the plan to prosper you and not harm you, to give you hope and a future. 
What an restful thought to know that God already knows what the future holds and has a plan for what we will face this year.  Please take some quiet time to rest in this security as you prepare to face your new beginnings.
Happy 2012 to you!
Love to all of you out there or no one - whichever fits. J